Picking up the car tomorrow and dealer has just set up the my Audi app access for me. Car showing 100% charge but yet a range of 203 miles??? It’s a 40 sline.
Is this just low as it hasn’t been driven to learn patterns etc yet???
Home charging with a Podpoint Solo
I have an 40 (77kw battery) Assuming that the car is new it may take a few miles to get some recorded consumption rates into the MMI. During the warmer months expect to see 3-3.5 miles/kWh but during cold spells ie sub zero like what we have had to date expect only 2-2.5mile/kWh (big drop). If I charge up to 80% the range in summertime is about 210miles. In winter this dropped to 180miles. The best you can expect with 100% is about 260miles on a long run at a steady rate of 56-65mph.
Ok great, I’m hoping for around 200 average, but was a little confused why on a fully charge it was showing only 202 miles. It’s a new car - 82kwh battery where the claimed range is over 300, obvs not going to get anywhere near that. I’ll see how the range changes with some use 
Just completed a journey to Penrith and return. Charged to 100%. Range shown 233miles. 150mile round trip; 3.3miles/kWh. Steady speed 56-65 mph. Final SOC = 35%. Outside temp=7C
Exact same journey in Summer. 15-20C Range shown 260miles; 3.5-4miles/kWh
Exact same journey in Summer. 15-20C Range shown 260miles; 3.5-4miles/kWh
Yep. Switched ours over last year and moved the podpoint to my parents. Never had a problem with either though... Well, except that the original installer didn't fully tighten the supply cable into the rcbo and it started arcing and melting! To be fair, podpoint were 'mortified' and sent someone to rectify within 24 hours!
Anyone heard anymore re software update timing from Pp or Audi on this?
quote=ScottyQ4 post_id=2935 time=1670874551 user_id=198]
Just as an update. Over the past few months I had issues again with the Podpoint unit charging at 3.5kw. I understand from my discussions with PP that they now have a fix for this problem. However they will not rollout a unit firmware update until Audi in turn roll out their software update. PP understand that this will probably be in the first quarter of 2023. This ties- in with what people are saying on other software/ app update threads.
In the meantime I think I may have found a workaround to this issue. On a PP scheduled charge I connect the vehicle to the unit. The unit clicks once which is a telltale sign in my experience that the unit is only going to charge at the reduced rate. I then remove the connector and insert again until the unit clicks at least 2-3 times. Repeated as necessary. I’m not sure what internal mechanisms are producing this clicking noise in the unit but appears to work. Let me know if it works for those users with similar problems.
quote=ScottyQ4 post_id=2935 time=1670874551 user_id=198]
Just as an update. Over the past few months I had issues again with the Podpoint unit charging at 3.5kw. I understand from my discussions with PP that they now have a fix for this problem. However they will not rollout a unit firmware update until Audi in turn roll out their software update. PP understand that this will probably be in the first quarter of 2023. This ties- in with what people are saying on other software/ app update threads.
In the meantime I think I may have found a workaround to this issue. On a PP scheduled charge I connect the vehicle to the unit. The unit clicks once which is a telltale sign in my experience that the unit is only going to charge at the reduced rate. I then remove the connector and insert again until the unit clicks at least 2-3 times. Repeated as necessary. I’m not sure what internal mechanisms are producing this clicking noise in the unit but appears to work. Let me know if it works for those users with similar problems.
Nothing as yet. My workaround as quoted above doesn’t work at all now. I’ve given up hence my query about Zappi chargers. Charging at 3-4 kw per hour. If the Audi rumours are true (LOL) then February/ March we should be notified about any software updates to rectify this home charging issue. Then again, pigs might fly.